XRumer.org - This software will help to increase traffic to website to hundreds, thousands times. Program have a rich seven year history, which use experience of professionals in search engine optimization. Appreciate and use a truly unique and powerful XRumer.org program, can both professionals and beginners.
XRumer.org — multi-functional tool for promotion in different ways on Internet
The program can post in short time Your links and ads on more than 400,000 resources — forums, blogs, guestbooks, link directories, bulletin boards, social networks.
Unique opportunity: absolutely automatically bypass captcha
During registration and posting process the program can decode and bypass more than 500 types of popular graphical captchas, such as ReCaptcha, VBulletin-captcha, DLE-captcha, VKontakte, Facebook etc
Besides, XRumer.org bypasses textual captcha — questions like: "2+2?", "What is the capital of China?" etc.
Program contains more than 170,000 answers to such questions. All arithmetic questions are automatically calculated, the database is updated monthly.
Ample opportunities of promotion in social networks
Free SocPlugin allow in 4 social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Mamba and Facebook to post messages, to comment photos and videos, to download & upload photo and video content, to send invitations to friends and groups — thus also to automatically bypass the protections from bots and submitting, including captchas.
A set of unique technologies allows to achieve very good and interesting results
High-tech features, such as, thematic posting system "Antispam" (in each forum message is sent in accordance with the theme of the forum, regardless of language and region), the "Question-Answer" system and others — makes XRumer.org to be one of the best program from other similar softwares and creates possibilities for a really "smart" and even socially useful submitting.
In the long term XRumer.org — is profitable investment
If you are owner on Internet business then you surely know how expensive is to promote your business online. By using wisely the "XRumer.org + Hrefer + SocPlugin" package, you get just for $10 monthly the necessary targeted visitors.
Minimal system requirements
Windows 98 / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8, 8.1 / 10 (same as 32-bit, as 64-bit);
CPU 2 GHz, RAM from 2 Gb;
It's recommended to use high Internet connection speed without restrictions of traffic.
Livro de visitas
Data: 07/06/2019
Assunto: Autoposter tool XRumer.org
Data: 29/05/2019
Assunto: blnda000013
Кто установил себе такое устройство UKP-66. что знаете пишите, говорят не всем подходит.
Data: 20/05/2019
Assunto: Test, just a test
Все нарушения зрения вызваны износом и непроходимостью
сосудов в глазах.
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Data: 07/10/2015
Assunto: Falta de comprometimento com o cliente / Não cumprem prazos
É um desrespeito com o cliente prometer a entrega da reforma dos móveis para 15 dias e com 40 dias ainda não fizeram a entrega. E o pior de tudo, sempre inventam uma desculpa. Marcam e não entregam, e não dão justificativa plausível nenhuma. Isso não é postura de uma empresa séria. Estou super decepcionada com essa empresa. Com certeza vou espalhar essa má noticia de todas as formas. Não recomendo para ninguém. Nesse momento, estou tomando providências legais, pois acredito que será a única forma de resolver o meu caso.
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Data: 26/09/2022
Assunto: Sekesoge Sekesoge esoge
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Data: 12/05/2015
Assunto: valores cabeceiras
Boa tarde,estou tentandi ligar pra vcs,mais não estou conseguindo,gostaria de fazer um orç.
Data: 11/12/2014
Assunto: atendimento
Boa tarde.Meu nome e jane e ja algum tempo estava a procura de um serviço especializado.encontrei vcs na internet liguei magda me atendeu adorei rapidez objetividade.marquei o serviço quando terminar vou avaliar novamente .mas por enquanto atendimento excelente obrigada